Giving back is great for the community and your business or organization. Hosting a sporting event is one of the most significant ways to raise some money, bring attention to a good cause, and promote your business. The success of the event depends on your level of organization. For the greatest success, you need to
get the press to cover your event. You need a good and authentic reason for hosting a charity event, and you need to prepare to take advantage of any and all press on the day of the event.
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Set up great photo opportunities featuring your brand and your charity for great press photos.[/caption]
Making your charity event relevant
How you market and promote your event will help you
get press on the big day. You need to be proactive in inviting the press to your event but will need to find an angle that is interesting and worth covering. You need to have an authentic reason for hosting the event. If you can't explain why you want to raise awareness and money for a certain cause, then the press won't want to cover it. Find a cause that will speak to the community and help the community. If you can make it personal, it will have a much bigger impact.
Preparing for the event
There is a great deal of organization, planning, and promoting to do before the day of the event. Be creative in your marketing. Make sure that your social media marketing generates followers, shares, and likes to create buzz. With a good promotional timeline and plan in place, you can start thinking about the event.
You need to have the right
promotional materials to ensure that your logo and your brand end up in every photo. Whether it’s press pictures or people sharing photos on their social media, you want there to be no question who is hosting the event. You’re going to want to have photo backdrops, customized banners, flags, and tablecloths in every location where a photo opportunity may arise.
Controlling the press
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Get branding materials for your charity tournament.[/caption]
You may want to have a step-and-repeat to make guests feel like VIP. By setting the stage for photo opportunities, you are more likely to
control the photos that end up in the press. Set up specific locations for the press to hang out, that way you can direct the press and make sure that your brand is featured in all potential press photos. If there are prizes or speeches, be sure to set up or hang
promotional banners that can be seen and photographed from every angle.
Custom banners and flags for charity events
Depending on the sport, you can hang banners in the outfield, on the side of the court, or have promotional flags on the golf course. Consistent branding will also make the event seem more professional and exclusive. The more professionally your event comes off, the more impressed your guests will be, and the more comfortable they'll be making donations.
Talk to California Canopy for all customized banners and flags for your charity sporting event.