Every school could use a little extra funding. Besides the usual bake sales and carwashes, California Canopy is making it easy to raise money for your school by selling customized banners to parents, grandparents, friends, neighbors, and teachers. We will help you set up their online store to help
raise money for your school.
School Fundraising
Fundraisers can be complicated to set up and organize. We want to make it simple and easy so that all your school has to do is sit back and watch the funds roll in. We are in charge of
setting up an online fundraising store, managing the funds and the orders made, and shipping every banner to your school for free.
Personalized Banners
There will be no out of pocket cost to your school when working with California Canopy. We offer
free banner design templates so that parents can personalize a banner to celebrate their kids, a team, or a club. Just send out the link to your online fundraising store to every student, teacher, coach, counselor, and parent and let them design and personalize a banner.
Keeping Track of Funds Raised
California Canopy will keep track of all the orders that come in and collect the money. Once the fundraiser ends, we’ll send all the profits to the school so they can be used as necessary; and we’ll also mail all the banners in one package. This is the easiest and simplest way for a school to raise funds without going out of pocket setting up a fundraising event.
Online Banner Fundraiser
Parents will love being able to
buy a custom banner for their kid or their kid's sports teams or clubs. These banners can be displayed at your school at events or graduation, or parents can take them home. But, the best part is that you don’t have to manage and track the campaign yourself, you leave that to us. All you have to do is promote the school fundraising online store.
To set up an online banner fundraiser for your school, contact California Canopy.